Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How George Bush Really Feels Memorial Day

Told yall he don't give a fuck.

But yeah.

Memorial Day...the day that is allocated for us to remember
those fallen in combat while wearing this country's uniform. What was once
a day of mourning created after the Civil War has turned into 3 day
weekend/bbq, and I aint mad at that...holidays always lose some of
their meanings and folx generally see it as a day off. Can't be mad at
a natural progression for any day that gives cats some free time. But even
THAT day went to shit when ya boy G. Dub when he gave his lame ass
speech on those who aint with us anymore. Peep the shit he poppin;

- "On Memorial Day, we honor the heroes who have laid down their lives
in the cause of freedom, resolve that they will forever be remembered
by a grateful Nation, and pray that our country may always prove
worthy of the sacrifices they have made," © G Dub

- "…that our country may always prove worthy of the sacrifices they have made" © War Criminal

-"These courageous and selfless warriors have stepped forward to
protect the Nation they love, fight for America's highest ideals, and
show millions that a future of liberty is possible," .... "Americans
are grateful to all those who have put on our Nation's uniform and to
their families, and we will always remember their service and
sacrifice for our freedoms." © War Profitteer Ring Leader

DEEZ NUTZ © My Nutz, Yo.

Granted, the prez HAS to speak on this holiday simply because of the
nature of crown, but this is a special case because Dub is arguably
the worst/wackest prez that the nation has seen (even over Watergate

To be poppin shit like 'Mission Accomplished' when folks are still in
a silly ass war dying for absolutely no reason except for the agendas
of some corporate politicians is type foul, even by G Dubs logic.

The tragic thing about the whole situation is that people will
continue to believe what these politicians say, even when truth (i.e.
no proof of wmds, entering an illegal war, and keeping prisoners of
war indefinitely ~ SUSPENDING HABEAS CORPUS~) is being broadcasted
everyday on the news. These administrations know that the VAST
majority of people do not understand anything in the political arena,
so they ACTUALLY get away with murder. And yes, murder is the
appropriate word.

So continue to have fun on your days off...kick back a few, indulge in
some of natures finests, and remember that some of them dudes over in
this foul ass war aint comin home, and a LOT of them are there because
they volunteered for one thing, but actually signed up for another.

Naw, fuck YOU Mr. Prez

peace, for REAL yall


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